Clover is milking Workers dry for Israeli profits!

23 November, 2021

The Palestine Solidarity Alliance calls on all South Africans to continue boycotting Clover products as we seek the disinvestment of Milco, an Israeli consortium. We call on the South African government to continue showing their support for the cause of a free and liberated Palestine and intervene in order to remove the agents of apartheid who are aiding and directly contributing towards the continued oppression and human rights violations of the Palestinian people.

Milco is a subsidiary of the Central Bottling Company which is a manufacturer and distributor of soft drinks, dairy products, and alcoholic beverages in apartheid Israel. The Central Bottling Company is complicit in human rights abuses and violations of international law due to their ties to the Israel. Furthermore, the Central Bottling Company has operations in illegal Israeli settlements, founded on the ruins of Palestinian homes, located in both occupied West Bank as well as the Syrian Golan heights.

From the onset of the takeover there has been continued opposition to the new ownership by the individuals who work at Clover. Despite this opposition, the competition commission approved the transfer of ownership nevertheless. South African workers who played a vital role in the liberation of South Africa are now working under the Israeli Apartheid regime. This is a blight on our hard earned freedom. Subsequent to the takeover from Milco, the consortium has been actively reducing local production and shifting their operations towards coastal plants. It is speculated that the Clover brand will be used to import Israeli manufactured goods, yet another reason for us to continue in our boycott of Clover products. We support the unions and workers’ call for better working conditions, with the vision of reclaiming the proudly South African dairy company. Our struggles are intersectional.

We call on the South African Government to intervene and protect the workers from being exploited at Clover. Furthermore, we call on the South African government to sever all ties with the apartheid state of Israel and remain firm on their commitment to the Palestinian people, as they have showcased in the last few weeks by withdrawing their support of Miss South Africa at the Miss Universe Pageant. 

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