The Palestine Solidarity Alliance (PSA) is a South African grassroots organization dedicated to promoting justice and equality for the Palestinian people.
Through education, advocacy, and activism, the PSA works to raise awareness about the ongoing struggles facing Palestinians and to support their efforts to achieve self-determination and freedom.
We invite one and all, irrespective of their racial, religious or cultural background to stand with us in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.
Emergency Relief
Israel’s blockade and bombing of Gaza, as well as its strangulation of the West Bank, force many Palestinians to live in hardship and poverty. The PSA fundraises to provide direct support to Palestinian communities in need.
Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions.
As part of the SA-BDS Coalition, affiliated to the Palestinian BDS National Committee, we heed the call of over 170 Palestinian unions and civil society groups in their campaign to end occupation and Apartheid.
Grassroots Education
We work with student movements, trade unions, community organisations, and the media to build solidarity amongst intersecting struggles and raise awareness about the plight of Palestine.
Facsimile transmittal
To: Attention
Fax: From: Dr Yusuf Saloojee,
Date: April 2002
The Interim Palestinian Solidarity Committee – Lenasia invites your
organisation to join us in the mass meeting planned for the 11 April 2002 at the Lenasia Civic Centre to collectively bear witness in solidarity and firm resolve against the continued annihilation and dehumanisation of the people of Palestine.
In order to add your organisation name to the posters and pamphlets your
approval in hereby requested. A meeting to finalise this would be held Monday 8 April 2002 at the Impala Crescent Primary School next to Gandhi Hall extension 5 at 20H00, your presence and participation would be greatly appreciated.
Never in the annals of history have people who were previously persecuted
responded with such barbaric ferocity to perpetrate carnage and massacre
against the indigenous population in order to illegally usurp land and forcibly maim and kill all those who stand in the way of expulsion and expansionism.
No decent human being – regardless of race religion or creed can remain
uninvolved, in any circumstances, where groups with imperialistic self-interest subject helpless people to such hate and genocide and who under the protective umbrella of a fraudulently devised super power policy of “coalition against terrorism” perpetuate regional and global hegemony.
We thus call upon your organisation as representative of ordinary people, poor people and the exploited masses, to join us, in a coalition for justice and humanity and to act as custodians of the rights of suffering humanity and protection of human dignity, no matter when or wherever it is violated and in this instance SUPPORT FOR THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE.
Interim Committee
Dr R.A.M. Salojee, Prema Niadoo, Ismail Vadi, Dr Yusuf Saloojee, Ahmed Saloojee, Ismail Choonara, Abdul Kader, Ebrahim Karollia, Mushtaq Koor, Farhad Campbell, Suraya Bibi Khan