Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), the Pan-African Palestine Solidarity Network conference, Land Day, Clover boycott and picket against odious investments; March was an important and busy month for Palestine Solidarity Organisations but we would not have it any other way as it means that the work to advance the struggle for a free Palestine continues!
As has always been the case when it comes to IAW, we saw an onslaught of Hasbara posed by the Zionist and Israeli lobby as factual and truth. This included labelling BDS as anti-semitic, something we all know could not be further than the truth. BDS is a Palestinian-led movement which aims to raise awareness and garner solidarity for Palestinians around the globe. You can find more information about the movement here.
In an attempt to counter IAW the Zionist lobby, under the guise of the failed "Heal Over Hate" campaign, embarked on a campaign to discredit the BDS movement and draw attention away from IAW and the solidarity measures of the PSOs. The entire premise of their campaign was based on labelling BDS as a movement which "promotes hate". Our response to that is simple: organising against Apartheid and oppression and raising awareness about said Apartheid and oppression is not hate. Labelling such actions as "hate" or anti-semitic seeks to de-legitimise valid criticism and actions which are being taken to dismantle a system which has been oppressing Palestinians for 75 years now. This campaign was to the detriment of the Zionist lobby as we continued with IAW and were successful in hosting engaging and thought provoking dialogues and events which promoted solidarity with Palestine and helped further the fight for liberation and freedom.
The theme of IAW this year was #UnitedAgainstRacism, Art Against Apartheid. The aim of the theme was to unite us against systems of oppression globally; may it be Black Lives Matter or Free Palestine, and help us connect to other struggles against racism, oppression, exploitation, and discrimination, in line with the BDS ideals of anti-racism. The only hate in our hearts is for Apartheid systems of oppression and racism which grossly violate human rights and ensure that a group of people (Palestinians) lead vastly different and subjugated lives to another group of people (Israelis).
As an anti-Apartheid and anti-racist organisation which belongs to the umbrella body of the SA BDS Coalition, our work is informed by ideals of non-racialism, solidarity, justice, and equality. We do not tolerate any anti-semitism or hate of any kind as this does not align with our core values and our purpose of forwarding the liberation of Palestine and helping aid the fight against the oppressive Apartheid regime of Israel. We leave you with this, as was sung by struggle activists during Apartheid South Africa while fighting against the oppression of the Apartheid regime: yinde lendlela esiyihambayo, the road we have embarked on is long. While the road may be long, we must still continue to have hope and continue to fight because as Tata said, "we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
Members and supporters at our IAW events
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is a global event which was scheduled to start on the 21st of March 2022. Various events were organised, internationally and locally, centred around one global theme. The theme for 2022 was ‘Art Against Apartheid’, which aimed to showcase the role of art and culture in resistance and to highlight the way in which art and culture have been used in the decolonisation efforts and in resisting colonial and occupying forces, against appropriation and oppression, particularly through dance, music, poetry, theatre, and story-telling.
In South Africa, IAW was scheduled to begin after anti-racism week, which led up to Human Rights’ Day on the 21st of March. This directly tied in with the global theme which aimed to unite under the banner of anti-racism and highlight global, intersectional struggles for justice. Our focus as Palestine Solidarity Organisations in South Africa was to draw on this theme and express, use, and sharpen art for resistance.
We had a full calendar of events, both online and in-person, planned for IAW. As the PSA we hosted 3 events, all of which people were able to attend in-person. Our first event was on Wednesday, the 23rd of March at the Women’s Jail in Constitution Hill and focused on political prisoners and detainees. The event aimed to highlight the stories of political detainees in South Africa and those in Palestine, both under an Aparthied system. We wanted to show the direct parallels between Apartheid South Africa and Apartheid Israel and the way in which administrative detention has been used to stifle resistance. The event was titled 'In Their Own Words: Recollections of Political Prisoners in Palestine and South Africa' and aimed to share the lived experiences of political prisoners and highlight their plight. The programme was facilitated by Seadimo Tlale, a 2021 UCLA-Sonke Health and Human Rights Fellow and featured stories from Zubeida Jaffer and Prema Naidoo, both of whom were detained and faced immense hardships in prison under the Apartheid regime. From Palestine, Ra’ed Abu Hommus, Meyyassar Attiyyati, and Neta Golan, an Israeli anti-apartheid activist, shared their experiences of being detained in Israeli jails. Comrade Ra’ed also managed to dial in on the phone and speak to a Palestinian political prisoner currently in an Israeli jail on the line so we could share his story with us first-hand.
We learned through the discussion that Palestinians in Israeli jails are tortured, treated inhumanely, not allowed visitations from their families and are detained for an indefinite period of time. Those who have served their sentences are still detained in the prisons as administrative detainees despite having already served their sentences. The experience for Palestinians versus Israelis in these jails differs vastly, as explained by Comrade Neta. As an Israeli, she has more rights and is able to serve her sentence and be released at the end but a Palestinian has little to no hope of ever being free if incarcerated. The way that Israeli prisoners are treated in these jails is also different to the inhumane treatment the Palestinians face. Comrade Meyyassar shared with us the treatment of women in these jails with the little to no visitation from their children and the abuse meted out against them daily. Israel does not discriminate in its treatment of women, children, or men. All are dealt harshly in military courts with military judges, with Israelis having separate courts and judges. The Apartheid system in Israel aims to ensure continued separation of Palestinians in all aspects, furthering their oppression and suppression.
We also heard from Horst Kleinschmidt from the Tambo-Dadoo Palestine Legal Fund on ways in which we can show solidarity towards Palestinian families of administrative detainees, reflecting on how families in Europe wrote letters of solidarity to families of political prisoners in South Africa and how this should be replicated by South Africans for families in Palestine. Seeing as administrative detention and prisons are used as a primary way of stifling dissent, there are thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails, with their families suffering along with them. As an organization our aim is to work with our comrades in Palestine and strengthen solidarity with the political prisoners on the ground here in South Africa. We are hoping to develop a sustainable campaign which will further solidarity for Palestinians globally and in South Africa.
Our second event was held on Friday the 25th of March at The Forge in Braamfontein, titled ‘Poetic Resistance’ and was a poetry evening focusing on showcasing the role of artists, musicians and poets in the struggle against oppression and colonialism. Artists, musicians, poets, writers, and creatives have played an instrumental part in highlighting the struggle of the people against oppression. When the world was plunged into chaos at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, creatives stepped up to the plate to provide people with much needed relief from the harsh reality the pandemic and lockdowns threw us in. This highlights the extremely important role creatives play in our society. Art, music, poetry, and stories were a form of resistance used by the people against the apartheid regime in South Africa and played a crucial role in dismantling it. Similarly, art has been used in Palestine to speak out against Apartheid Israel and forms an important part of the struggle of the people of Palestine.
The aim of the event was to explore the role of art and culture in resisting occupying, colonial, and oppressive forces; here in South Africa and in Palestine and to showcase the diverse voices involved in the solidarity space. Poets used different forms of poetry to highlight the struggles of the people of Palestine and draw parallels with the struggles faced by people here, during Apartheid and currently. The programme was facilitated by poet and creative Shari Maluleke and featured poets such as Zohra Saloojee, Zaharah Msomi, Zama Madinana, Karabo Word, Raees Noorbhai, Miguel Chicane, Sunny Morgan, Allan Horowitz, Sarah Lubala, Vikram Kershan, Frank Meintjies, Lara Reddy, Ayesha Kajee, Okuhle Esethu, and Hassan Lorgat. The poets’ performances were backed by Kwenza Sibeke who played the saxophone, guitar, and piano and provided an amazing ambiance for the night.
Given that the theme of IAW this year was ‘Art Against Apartheid’, it was important to host an event which focused on including art in the way in which we explore solidarity and resistance. Art has been commonly used as a medium of resistance throughout time, helping express the need for freedom and liberation from various occupying forces. May it be poetry, music, song, dance, or paintings and graffiti, art is an effective medium of showcasing resistance. Songs such as ‘Dammi Falastini’ by Mohammed Assaf and ‘Long Live Palestine’ by Lowkey, along with Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry, are a prime example of how Palestinians have used art to continue being vocal about the illegal military occupation and Apartheid regime of Israel. As solidarity organisations, it is important that we continue to showcase this art and remain vocal about the ways in which Palestinians are fighting against Apartheid Israel. We will be hosting regular art showcases and poetry evenings, details of which will be communicated on our social media.
Our last event for IAW was held on Sunday, the 27th of March at the cricket field in Marks Park in Emmarentia where we had a Picnic for Palestine and a free movie night. The Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League, in collaboration with PSC Wits, hosted this event, with food vendors and different pop ups present. It was a beautiful, sunny day for a picnic and we saw numerous families come through with gazebos and chairs to enjoy the sunshine, good music and pop ups.
We were joined on the day by different vendors such as Zaytun who sold Palestinian items and keffiyehs, Scroll It ice cream and noodle bar, Buns & Bowls, Dhodats Burgers, King Arabic Sandwich, and Delightful Donuts. The relaxation continued into the night for the movie when we screened the Palestinian drama film ‘Omar’ which follows the story of Omar, the Palestinian baker who is captured and tortured by the Israeli authorities after killing an Israeli soldier. It was a fun day of picnicking and spending time with family and friends.
Other Palestine Solidarity Organisations (PSOs) also engaged in successful events throughout IAW. We saw South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) host a walk through tour of Sophiatown and poetry session while Wits PSC hosted their annual balloon release and an engaging students and workers solidarity panel discussion which explored the intersectionality between student and worker issues in South Africa and Palestine. PSC Gauteng hosted a webinar which focused on workers struggles and solidarity in South Africa and Palestine which was attended by people from across the globe, including the leadership of trade unions from Palestine and South Africa. It was inspiring to see the intersectionality of struggles of workers in South Africa and Palestine, with trade unions in Palestine talking about the lessons they have learned from South African workers and their struggles, especially with the currently on-going Clover boycott. We also want to congratulate the team behind the launch of the PSO at Nelson Mandela University. The launch was an extremely successful event to end IAW on with former intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils along with Mandla Mandela, the grandson of the father of our nation, who affirmed his support to the BDS movement, being keynote speakers. Both touched on the parallels between Apartheid South Africa and Apartheid Israel with former Minister Kasrils sharing his thoughts on the hypocrisy of the West in the ways in which they have responded to Russia and Ukraine as compared to their silence on Palestine. he said it was also important for the institution to align itself with the values of Nelson Mandela, which it is named after. Mandla Mandela spoke about South African solidarity towards Palestine and said it was also important for the institution to align itself with the values of Nelson Mandela, which it is named after. “In the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s our students came to the fore and became prominent. Educational institutions became significant sites of struggle. They engaged in boycotts and other acts of solidarity supporting worker strikes and facilitated educational events and campaigns,” he said.
Overall, we saw a successful week of IAW events with all of us taking away many lessons from the numerous events. Unite Against Apartheid Israel! Unite Against Racism!
Gaza’s Water Crisis – Part of Israel’s Systematic Genocide
Eyad Al Baba/Apaimages
Article II of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines the crime of genocide as an act committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Israel’s intention to destroy the Palestinian nation has been made clear time and time again, from when Ben Gurion ordered villages to be “wiped out” during the Nakba, to more recent policy documents which explicitly aim to establish a Jewish majority on Palestinian territory.
What varies, however, is the tactics used in the Israeli genocidal project. While Israel still uses direct armed violence to annihilate Palestinians, it also subjects them to unbearable conditions of life - a more subtle, underhanded manner of achieving the same purpose. This is why the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is so dire and why it cannot be separated from the Zionist political project.
Throughout the years, Israel has deliberately stolen Gaza’s water, destroyed their desalination infrastructure, and poisoned the water-supply. The spokesperson of Gaza’s Water and Environmental Quality Authority recently told reporters that 98 percent of Gaza’s water supplies are not fit for human consumption. Because of the siege, Gaza’s 2.1 million people have no choice but to drink from its largely depleted aquifer. Most of the water here has a dangerously high salinity level or is polluted by Israeli chemical fertilisers. This has had severe health effects on the population. About one-quarter of all diseases and twelve percent of child deaths in Gaza are caused by water pollution.
What Gaza needs is technology transfers and a stable electricity supply to make desalination effective and sustainable. It would also greatly benefit from being able to share freshwater supplies with the rest of historic Palestine. Israel’s siege of the territory makes that impossible. Last year’s May bombardments by the Israeli Occupation forces severely affected Palestinian electricity grids and water networks. Gaza’s three main desalination plants were badly affected and a fifth of the population were left without water supplies.
To quote Dr Ramzy Baroud, “When almost all of Gaza's water is not fit for human consumption because of a deliberate Israeli strategy, it is easy to understand why Palestinians continue to resist the Israeli occupation as if their lives depend on it. The simple truth is that their lives do depend on it. Without adequate water supplies, they will die. Unless the international community sits up, takes notice and actually does something about water supplies in the Gaza Strip, the next crisis might be worse than anything we have ever seen.” The time is long overdue for us to sit up and take notice. We must continue to provide support for those suffering under Israeli apartheid and genocide.
Delegates from around Africa gather in Senegal for the first ever PAPSN Anti-Apartheid conference
The PanAfrican Palestine Solidarity Network (PAPSN) was formed in June 2021, when Palestine solidarity organisations across the continent decided to institutionalise the pan-Africanist ethos of our respective organisations. Palestinian liberation is deeply intertwined in Pan-Africanism. The preamble of the African Charter of Peoples and Human Rights commits “to eliminate colonialism, neo-colonialism, apartheid, zionism”. These values were vibrantly displayed at the inaugural PAPSN Anti-Apartheid Strategy Conference, held in Dakar, Senegal in March.
The meeting mobilised activists from 21 different African countries to stand behind a single banner – Israeli Apartheid must be dismantled. Delegates presented analyses of the penetration of apartheid Israel in their respective countries. Israel’s relationship with Africa is eerily similar to the colonial enterprise of earlier centuries. Promising development, their companies dispossess the peasantry for agricultural projects, while exploiting their labour and extracting wealth. Israel also bribes leaders with money and weapons to suppress protests and maintain indirect rule. Thirdly, Israel promotes the spread of religious doctrine to keep people ignorant and in support of their regime.
In many cases, Israel uses water and agri-technology to greenwash its way into the back-pockets of elites. Many of these projects are short-lived, and do not enable sustainable agriculture for small holding farmers. Instead, these tend to be turnkey projects which provide a foothold for Israel’s military industrial complex to penetrate the continent.
Through surveillance, arms purchases, and other security-related activity, many African countries fund Israel’s genocidal practices while also undermining the rights of people on our continent. Israel acquires a market to expand their military industry, while aiding repressive dictatorial regimes to suppress opposition and silence dissent.
Israel also uses more subtle means to ensure obedience on the African continent. The rise of evangelical ‘prosperity’ churches has been aided by Israel’s support. Not only do these churches prey on vulnerable worshippers by selling them hope, but they also often work in conjunction with Israeli Hasbara. Through tourist pilgrimages and church sponsorships, Israel is able to distort religious doctrine and sell itself to African Christians as the rightful guardians of the Holy Land.
These common experiences, faced by many on the African continent, clearly illustrate how the fight against Zionist colonialism is not far removed from the daily struggles we face on the ground. Israel’s accreditation to the African Union is a key cause of concern for Palestinians and Africans alike. By uniting our common struggles, we can forge a path forward to defeat the Israeli military industrial complex, counter their propaganda, and ultimately bring freedom to the Palestinian people.
Aluta Continua!
The Day of the Land
Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera
Land Day in Palestine falls on the 30th of March. On this day, we pay tribute to those who have fallen in the struggle to hold onto their land and identity, while amplifying the ongoing struggle against the colonisation of Palestine. The day commemorates the revolts of 1976 in Palestine, when thousands in the '48 region embarked on a general strike to express dissent against Israel’s expropriation of Arab land in Galilee. The land was designated to be used to build Jewish settlements in the region. At the time, the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture openly declared that its primary purpose was to alter the demographic nature of Galilee in order to create a Jewish majority in the area.
In 2022, on the 46th Land Day, Zionist ethnic cleansing continues unabated. From Sheikh Jarrah to al-Naqab, Palestinians are still being uprooted from their land to facilitate increased Jewish settlement. Nevertheless, Palestinians remain resilient in their opposition to the racist Israeli regime. Demonstrations were held from the river to the sea this year, as in years before, calling for an end to Israel’s occupation and for the right of refugees to return.
On this day especially, the words of Frantz Fanon echo loudly, "For a colonized people the most essential value, because it is the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread and, above all, dignity.” As the Nakba and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians continue, as millions still suffer from landlessness and joblessness, let us push forward in the struggle for liberation against settler colonialism and apartheid. Let us push forward in the struggle for bread and dignity.
No Xenophobia on our watch!
Organisations at the Anti-Xenophobia march (picture: Firoza Mayet)
On Saturday, 26 March, the SA BDS Coalition formed part of the Kopaang Africa Against Xenophobia collective, as we marched across inner-city Johannesburg, from Parktown to Hillbrow police station and then to the Johannesburg Central Police Station. The march was attended by about 500 people and supported by over 70 different organisations. It emphasised how the likes of Operation Dudula are using legitimate grievances about crime, poverty, and unemployment to sow divisions among the working class and scapegoat foreign nationals.
This tactic strikes a chord with those used by the Israeli government, who pit Palestinians against each other to prolong the occupation and fragment the resistance. Palestinians - be it Gazans, refugees outside Palestine, or citizens in the '48 areas, are constantly being demonised and blamed for the plight of other Palestinians. The collective stressed the importance of working class unity to address problems at their root causes. Migrants are not to blame for the looting of natural resources across Africa, nor are they to blame for the incompetence and corruption of our government. To root out poverty, create jobs, and prevent crime, we need to address wealth and income inequality through better social services and improved social spending.
Kopanang Africa Against Xenophobia presented a memorandum of four key demands:
1. The JMPD and SAPS enforce the law equally and protect the right to gather and protest;
2. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi steps down with immediate effect in light of the fact that the “process of arrest, detention and deportation of individuals via the Immigration Act continues to occur without the requisite supervision to ensure these rights are safeguarded”; and
3. President Cyril Ramaphosa leads with the implementation of the national action plan to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other intolerance.
4. To implement a wealth tax that would go towards funding social services for all those who live in this country.
Roshan Dadoo, representing the SA BDS Coalition, addressed the crowd in support of these demands. She noted how xenophobic movements often blame small businesses owned by fellow Africans and people of colour for the problems of this country. However, in actual fact, much of the blame should be directed at multinational conglomerates who decimate jobs, extract resources, and amass wealth at an immense scale. The Israeli based Milco-CBC consortium, who recently took over Clover, are a typical example.
It is no surprise that xenophobic rhetoric across the world bears significant semblance to that of the Zionist regime. Appeals to ethnic superiority, the need to maintain a particular demography, and blaming non-nationals for social ills are all hallmarks of Zionist political discourse in the state of Israel. As Kopanang Africa Against Xenophobia, and as the Palestine Solidarity Movement, we firmly rebuke such rhetoric - noting its role in sowing hatred and division, and furthering the agenda of oppressive governments.
We stand firm in the belief that the people, united, shall never be defeated. It is clear that the scapegoating of migrants will not bring about any sustainable solutions to this country, just as the scapegoating of Palestinians will not end Israeli apartheid and occupation. Sowing hatred and division among the working class only furthers the agenda of regressive nationalists and the ruling class. To address the problems of our society at their roots, we need an accountable government to implement progressive social policy that would redistribute ill-gotten wealth, prevent exploitation, and kick apartheid and racism off our shores.
The South African Zionist Terrorism Corridor Probe
Soldiers from the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) (Photo: via QNN)
A probe was launched in March to look into South African citizens enlisting in the Israel Defence Forces. The South African Zionist Terrorism Corridor Probe is a "comprehensive criminal docket" based upon "sustainable and irrefutable evidence" which has been submitted to the South African Police Services and the National Director of Public Prosecutions.
The Probe serves as a request for a criminal investigation by the authorities based on the suspects' alleged violation of South African laws, including the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act and the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act.
"South Africa must meet its international obligations in terms of universal jurisdiction, international law/international human rights law and through its ratification of the Rome Statute and domestic laws which harmonise with our responsibilities in holding to account perpetrators of the most egregious crimes committed with impunity," explained the complainants in the submission to the South African authorities.
The state of Israel, they point out, is widely recognised as a settler colonial state practising the crime of apartheid. This has been confirmed by major human rights organisations B'Tselem, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
"Apartheid," said International Human Rights Attorney Ziyaad Ebrahim Patel, who is advising the complainants, "constitutes a crime against humanity." South Africans know all about apartheid and the need to end it wherever it may exist.
The complainants not only focus on the breach of South African laws by local citizens enlisting in the IDF, but also their complicity in breaches of international law and crimes against humanity, as well as war crimes. "At least 13 South African nationals and/or citizens have, by their own admission, incriminated themselves in having served in the Israel Defence Forces prior to and/or during the wars perpetrated by the IDF in Gaza 2008/9, the 2010 attack on the Freedom Flotilla taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, and Israel's 2012, 2014 and 2021 military offensives against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."
Such "mercenaries and lone soldiers" recruited by the IDF, the complainants add, are part of the broader organised Israeli military structure perpetrating wide scale "state terrorism" against the Palestinian people.
The complaint and submission to the South African authorities lists the thirteen people accused of breaking the law by serving in the IDF, as well as four pro-Israel organisations in South Africa, and another individual accused of aiding and abetting them.
"The IDF recruits around the world and gets away with it," added Patel. "This impunity must end."
Adapted from the Middle East Monitor
Activist Profile: Dr Yusuf Saloojee
Dr Yusuf Saloojee aka Uncle Chommie with anti-apartheid activists and struggle stalwarts Ahmed Kathrada and Ishwarlal Laloo "Isu" Chiba
Dr Yusuf Saloojee
Aka Uncle Chommie
Dr Saloojee comes from a family with deep roots in the struggle against apartheid. Even before his birth, members of his family were strong supporters of the Congress movement. These values rubbed off on him as a child, and have been visible in his work ever since.
After graduating as a medical doctor from Grant Medical College in Mumbai, Dr Saloojee returned to South Africa in 1973, where he first worked in state hospitals before opening a private practice in 1981. At the same time, Dr Saloojee remained committed to the struggle against apartheid and was involved in the ANC, UDF, and the Call of Islam. Today, “Uncle Chommie” embodies the same spirit of activism
When asked about his motivation to continue fighting for a free Palestine, Dr Saloojee does not hesitate, “One of the most important things in life is the pursuit of justice. Justice is an uncompromising requirement in the eyes of Allah.” Dr Saloojee maintains that we are obliged as humans to fight oppression wherever it exists, and the case of Palestine is particularly pressing. “The Palestinian struggle is close to our heart, having gone through apartheid in South Africa. However, humanity has failed Palestinians, who are experiencing immense occupation and brutality at the hands of the Zionist regime. We have a duty to fight for a free Palestine.”
Apartheid Free Zones
One of the ways in which we can help further Palestinian liberation is to ensure that we do not put more money into the pockets of Israeli-owned businesses. Doing so will help you make your home an Apartheid Free Zone. As the people of a post-Apartheid country, it is important that we do not give Apartheid space in our homes. Your money has power. Being conscious about who owns specific products and what we buy helps us aid calls for boycotts. This month, we highlight G4S as a direct beneficiary of Apartheid.
G4S is a UK-based multi-national private security company which specialises in security products, services, and solutions and which is directly linked to Apartheid Israel. G4S sells its products to consumers here in South Africa which means that money from a post-Apartheid state is going to fund a company which has business dealings with a current-Apartheid state.
Make your home an Apartheid Free Zone by boycotting G4S and all products that benefit from the Zionist occupation of Palestinian land.
What comes next?
The month of April brings with it the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. In collaboration with media and radio outlets such as Salaam Media, we are hosting a daily 'Palestinians Voices' radio programme where different Palestinians join us to talk about their lived experiences under occupation and Apartheid and talk about pertinent issues such as mental health, life under occupation, updates from the ground, and how we can bolster solidarity for them. We will also be hosting a mass Iftaar, the details of which will be released on our website and social media, so keep an eye out for that!
We will also be engaging with other civil society organisations in the Working Class Summit and hoping to draw links with the struggles of the working class in South Africa and in Palestine. May is also the month where we will be discussing Nakba Day and its significance for Palestinians; along with looking forward to Eid, a bittersweet day for Palestinians living under occupation and Apartheid. We also have a mass activists' meeting planned for after Ramadan during which we hope to engage with our members and activists on the campaigns we are planning for the rest of the year.
We will be launching our next few campaigns which, will form the focus point for us for the rest of the year, soon. These campaigns will include education and training workshops, media and writing workshops, anti-war and political prisoners solidarity campaign, and art and poetry evening. If you would like to be involved in any of these, reach out to us via email or fill out our volunteer form. We look forward to engaging with you!
Donate to PSA and help us continue the work that we are doing!
If you are a supporter of a free Palestine but do not have the capacity to be actively involved in the liberation movement, you can still help and support us by donating towards our efforts. Our banking details are:
Account Name: Palestinian Solidarity Alliance
Bank: ABSA
Branch: Lenasia
Account No: 4070101666
You can also email us on for more information
Our month in pictures
PSA and the SA BDS Coalition joined GIWUSA, FAWU and SAFTU outside the Clover headquarters in order to picket against exploitation of workers on the day of the visit of the Israeli-based majority shareholder executives of MILCO/CBC on 10-03-22.
PSA at the Constitution His Human Rights Festival on 20-03-22 and 21-03-2022.
PSA and members at Constitution Hill for our IAW 'Free Them All!' event on 23-03-22.
PSA and the SA BDS Coalition joined GIWUSA, FAWU, COSATU and SAFTU outside the Sandton Convention Centre in order to picket the President's investment conference and speak out against odious investments from countries such as Apartheid Israel on 24-03-22.
PSA and members at The Forge in Braamfontein for our IAW 'Poetic Resistance' event on 25-03-22.
PSA and members at Markspark in Emmarentia for our IAW 'Picnic for Palestine and free movie night' event on 27-03-22.